Why have Hope? This question is often asked by individuals who have become discouraged and disappointed after experiencing difficult times in life. In the midst of trying times, people normally seek help by placing confidence in things that cannot satisfy, which leads to unmet expectations. Discouragement from these failed expectations leads to hopelessness, which results in the question "Why have Hope?" I will address this question by providing a series of responses over the next few weeks for people to consider. Hopefully, these responses will encourage people to place their confidence in someone who will never disappoint. Overall, it is my goal is to help people direct their Hope in God's word and remain anchored in Him when storms of life happen.
Before I respond to the question, I would like to define the word Hope. The Merriam-Webster dictionary defines Hope as a verb, which is "to desire with expectation of obtainment or fulfillment." As a verb, Hope is a word that anticipates or seeks a desire to be fulfilled. As a noun, Hope is a feeling of expectation for a certain desired thing to happen. In the Hebrew language, the word Hope is Tikvah (teek-VAH). Strong’s Concordance defines this word as a cord, expectation, and hope. The word tikvah comes from the Hebrew root kavah, meaning to bind together, collect; to expect; to tarry or wait (for, on, or upon). Based on the Hebrew meaning, Hope is a Rope. It is an unseen bound (threaded/woven) cord that a person can take hold of in his or her hands.
Until the next blog on Why have Hope?, here is an encouraging Bible verse that demonstrates placing Hope in God and His word.
- Hebrews 10:23 ~ Let us hold unswervingly to the hope we profess, for he who promised is faithful.
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